Śrī Rāma and Sītā leave for Ayodhyā on the aerial car, Puṣpaka


prabhu prērita kapi bhālu saba rāma rūpa ura rākhi.
haraṣa biṣāda sahita calē binaya bibidha bidhi bhāṣi..118ka.. [6-118(A)]
kapipati nīla rīchapati aṃgada nala hanumāna.
sahita bibhīṣana apara jē jūthapa kapi balavāna..118kha.. [6-118(B)]
kahi na sakahiṃ kachu prēma basa bhari bhari lōcana bāri.
sanmukha citavahiṃ rāma tana nayana nimēṣa nivāri..118ga.. [6-118(C)]

But in obedience to the Lord’s command the monkeys and bears all dispersed with a mixed feeling of joy and sorrow and with many a humble submission, enshrining Śrī Rāma’s image in their heart. The monkey-king (Sugrīva), Nīla, Jāmbavān (the lord of the bears), Aṅgada, Nala, Hanumān and all the other mighty generals of the monkey host, together with Vibhīṣaṇa, were too overwhelmed with emotion to utter a word. With eyes full of tears they stood facing Śrī Rāma and gazing intently on Him.


atisaya prīti dēkha raghurāī. linhē sakala bimāna caḍhaāī..
mana mahu bipra carana siru nāyō. uttara disihi bimāna calāyō.. [6-118(C)-1]
calata bimāna kōlāhala hōī. jaya raghubīra kahai sabu kōī..
siṃhāsana ati ucca manōhara. śrī samēta prabhu baiṭhai tā para.. [6-118(C)-2]
rājata rāmu sahita bhāminī. mēru sṛṃga janu ghana dāminī..
rucira bimānu calēu ati ātura. kīnhī sumana bṛṣṭi haraṣē sura.. [6-118(C)-3]
parama sukhada cali tribidha bayārī. sāgara sara sari nirmala bārī..
saguna hōhiṃ suṃdara cahu pāsā. mana prasanna nirmala nabha āsā.. [6-118(C)-4]
kaha raghubīra dēkhu rana sītā. lachimana ihāom hatyō iomdrajītā..
hanūmāna aṃgada kē mārē. rana mahi parē nisācara bhārē.. [6-118(C)-5]
kuṃbhakarana rāvana dvau bhāī. ihāom hatē sura muni dukhadāī.. [6-118(C)-6]

Perceiving their excessive love the Lord of the Raghus (mounted the aerial car alongwith Sītā and Lakṣmaṇa and) took them all up into the car. He mentally bowed His head at the feet of the Brāhmaṇas and directed the car to move towards the north. An uproarious noise burst forth as the car took off, all shouting “Glory to the Hero of Raghu’s line !” The car was provided with a lofty and charming throne; the Lord took His seat on it alongwith Śrī (Sītā). Accompanied by His Spouse, Śrī Rāma shone forth like a cloud with lightning on a peak of Mount Meru. The splendid car moved with all speed on its way, to the joy of the gods, who rained down flowers on it. A most delightful cool breeze breathed soft and fragrant; the water of the ocean, lakes and streams became transparent and auspicious omens occurred on all sides. Nay, everyone felt cheerful at heart; the whole expanse of the sky including the four quarters was clear. Said the Hero of Raghu’s line: “Mark, Sītā: it was on this spot that Lakṣmaṇa slew Meghanāda (the Crown Prince of Laṅkā). Here lie on the battlefield mighty demons killed by Hanumān and Aṅgada. And here fell the two brothers, Kumbhakarṇa and Rāvaṇa, the torment of gods and sages.”


ihāom sētu bāomdhyō aru thāpēu siva sukha dhāma.
sītā sahita kṛpānidhi saṃbhuhi kīnha pranāma..119ka.. [6-119(A)]
jahaom jahaom kṛpāsiṃdhu bana kīnha bāsa biśrāma.
sakala dēkhāē jānakihi kahē sabanhi kē nāma..119kha.. [6-119(B)]

“It was here that I had a bridge constructed and also installed a symbol of the blissful Lord Śiva.” So saying, the All-merciful Śrī Rāma and Sītā both made obeisance to Śambhu. Every spot in the woods, where the Ocean of compassion had either taken up His abode or rested awhile, was then pointed out by the Lord to Janaka’s Daughter and mentioned by name.


turata bimāna tahāom cali āvā. daṃḍaka bana jahaom parama suhāvā..
kuṃbhajādi munināyaka nānā. gaē rāmu saba kēṃ asthānā.. [6-119(B)-1]
sakala riṣinha sana pāi asīsā. citrakūṭa āē jagadīsā..
tahaom kari muninha kēra saṃtōṣā. calā bimānu tahāom tē cōkhā.. [6-119(B)-2]
bahuri rāma jānakihi dēkhāī. jamunā kali mala harani suhāī..
puni dēkhī surasarī punītā. rāma kahā pranāma karu sītā.. [6-119(B)-3]
tīrathapati puni dēkhu prayāgā. nirakhata janma kōṭi agha bhāgā..
dēkhu parama pāvani puni bēnī. harani sōka hari lōka nisēnī.. [6-119(B)-4]
puni dēkhu avadhapurī ati pāvani. tribidha tāpa bhava rōga nasāvani… [6-119(B)-5]

Forthwith the aerial car reached the most charming Daṇḍaka forest, the abode of many a great sage like Kumbhaja (the jar-born Agastya) and others: Śrī Rāma visited the hermitages of all. After receiving the blessings of all these sages the Lord of the universe arrived at Citrakμuta; and, having gratified the sages there, the aerial car departed thence with all speed. Śrī Rāma next pointed out to Janaka’s Daughter the beautiful Yamunā, that washes away the impurities of the Kali age. Thereafter they espied the holy Gaṅgā (the celestial stream) and Śrī Rāma said, “Sītā, make obeisance. Now have a look at Prayāga, the king of all sacred places, whose very sight drives away sins committed through a myriad lives. Again look at the most holy Triveṇī (the confluence of the Gaṅgā, Yamunā and the subterranean Sarasvatī), the dispeller of grief and a ladder to Śrī Hari’s Abode. Now see the most sacred city of Ayodhyā, that relieves the threefold agony and uproots the malady of transmigration.”


sītā sahita avadha kahu kīnha kṛpāla pranāma.
sajala nayana tana pulakita puni puni haraṣita rāma..120ka.. [6-120(A)]
puni prabhu āi tribēnīṃ haraṣita majjanu kīnha.
kapinha sahita bipranha kahu dāna bibidha bidhi dīnha..120kha.. [6-120(B)]

The gracious Rāma and Sītā both made obeisance to Ayodhyā. Tears rushed to His eyes, every hair on His body stood erect and the Lord felt delighted again and again. The Lord then landed at the Triveṇī and with much joy bathed in the confluence. He bestowed a variety of gifts on the Brāhmaṇas and the monkeys too joined Him.


prabhu hanumaṃtahi kahā bujhāī. dhari baṭu rūpa avadhapura jāī..
bharatahi kusala hamāri sunāēhu. samācāra lai tumha cali āēhu.. [6-120(B)-1]
turata pavanasuta gavanata bhayau. taba prabhu bharadvāja pahiṃ gayaū..
nānā bidhi muni pūjā kīnhī. astutī kari puni āsiṣa dīnhī.. [6-120(B)-2]
muni pada baṃdi jugala kara jōrī. caḍhai bimāna prabhu calē bahōrī..
ihāom niṣāda sunā prabhu āē. nāva nāva kahaom lōga bōlāē.. [6-120(B)-3]
surasari nāghi jāna taba āyō. utarēu taṭa prabhu āyasu pāyō..
taba sītāom pūjī surasarī. bahu prakāra puni carananhi parī.. [6-120(B)-4]
dīnhi asīsa haraṣi mana gaṃgā. suṃdari tava ahivāta abhaṃgā..
sunata guhā dhāyau prēmākula. āyau nikaṭa parama sukha saṃkula.. [6-120(B)-5]
prabhuhi sahita bilōki baidēhī. parēu avani tana sudhi nahiṃ tēhī..
prīti parama bilōki raghurāī. haraṣi uṭhāi liyō ura lāī.. [6-120(B)-6]

The Lord instructed Hanumān as follows:-“Go ahead of us to the city of Ayodhyā in the guise of a religious student, tell Bharata the news of our welfare and then come back with all the news about him.” The son of the wind-god immediately left and the Lord then called on Bharadvāja. The sage offered Him all kinds of worship and after hymning His praises further gave Him his blessing. The Lord in His turn adored the sage’s feet with joined palms, mounted the car and went on His journey. At this end the Niṣāda chief heard that the Lord had come and exclaiming “The boat, where is the boat ?” summoned his people. Meanwhile the aerial car flew across the celestial stream and landed on the bank (adjoining Śṛṅgaverapura) in obedience to the Lord’s command. Then Sītā offered all kinds of worship to the celestial stream and threw Herself at the feet of the Goddess presiding over the stream. In gladness of soul Gaṅgā pronounced Her blessing. “May You enjoy a happy married life without a break, O fair lady.” Overwhelmed with love, Guha ran to meet the Lord as soon as he heard of His landing and approached his Master, full of ecstatic joy. Perceiving the Lord accompanied by Videha’s Daughter, he fell flat on the ground oblivious of his own existence. The Lord of the Raghus felt overjoyed to see his excessive fondness; He took and clasped him to His bosom.


liyō hṛdayaom lāi kṛpā nidhāna sujāna rāyaom ramāpatī.
baiṭhāri parama samīpa būjhī kusala sō kara bīnatī.
aba kusala pada paṃkaja bilōki biraṃci saṃkara sēbya jē.
sukha dhāma pūranakāma rāma namāmi rāma namāmi tē..1.. [6-120(B)-1]
saba bhāomti adhama niṣāda sō hari bharata jyōṃ ura lāiyō.
matimaṃda tulasīdāsa sō prabhu mōha basa bisarāiyō..
yaha rāvanāri caritra pāvana rāma pada ratiprada sadā.
kāmādihara bigyānakara sura siddha muni gāvahiṃ mudā..2.. [6-120(B)-2]

The All-merciful Lord of Rāma (Sītā or Lakṣmī), the wisest among the wise, took and clasped him to His bosom and, seating him very close to Him, enquired after his welfare. Guha submitted in reply: “Now all is well with me; for I have beheld Your lotus-feet, worthy of adoration even to Virañci (Brahma) and Lord Śaṅkara. O blissful Rāma, self-sufficient as You are, I simply adore You; O Rāma, I adore You.” That Niṣāda, who was low in every respect, Śrī Hari clasped to His bosom as though he were Bharata himself ! A victim of infatuation, this dull-witted Tulasīdāsa, however, has cast out of his mind even such a benign lord. This story of the Slayer of Rāvaṇa, is not only sanctifying but vouchsafes loving and perpetual devotion to Śrī Rāma’s feet. Nay, it uproots lust and other evil passions and begets true wisdom and is gladly sung by gods, the Siddhas and sages.


samara bijaya raghubīra kē carita jē sunahiṃ sujāna.
bijaya bibēka bibhūti nita tinhahi dēhiṃ bhagavāna..121ka.. [6-121(A)]
yaha kalikāla malāyatana mana kari dēkhu bicāra.
śrīraghunātha nāma taji nāhina āna adhāra..121kha.. [6-121(B)]

The Lord rewards with everlasting victory, wisdom and worldly prosperity those men of good understanding who listen to the stories relating to the victory of Śrī Rāma (the Hero of Raghu’s line) in battle. Ponder well and see for yourself, O my mind: this age of Kali is the very home of impurities. There is nothing to fall other than the name of the illustrious Lord of the Raghus. (121 A-B)