Part - 1
Sītā’s meeting with Anasūyā (Atri’s wife) and the latter’s discourse on the duties of a devoted wife
Sutīkṣṇa’s love and Śrī Rāma’s meeting with the sage Agastya; dialogue with Agastya; Śrī Rāma’s entry into the Daṇḍaka forest and His meeting with Jaṭāyu
The story of Śūrpaṇakhā; her approaching Khara, Dūṣaṇa and Triśirā for redress and their subsequent death at Śrī Rāma’s hands
Grace on Śabarī; a discourse on the nine forms of Devotion and departure for the Pampā lake
The glory of hearing the praises of Śrī Rāma and an exhortation to cultivate fellowship with saints and practise adoration
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