Arrival of Paraśurāma, exchange of hot words between Lakṣmaṇa and Paraśurāma and Śrī Rāma’s triumph over the latter


nātha saṃbhudhanu bhaṃjanihārā. hōihi kēu ēka dāsa tumhārā..
āyasu kāha kahia kina mōhī. suni risāi bōlē muni kōhī.. [1-270-1]
sēvaku sō jō karai sēvakāī. ari karanī kari karia larāī..
sunahu rāma jēhiṃ sivadhanu tōrā. sahasabāhu sama sō ripu mōrā.. [1-270-2]
sō bilagāu bihāi samājā. na ta mārē jaihahiṃ saba rājā..
suni muni bacana lakhana musukānē. bōlē parasudharahi apamānē.. [1-270-3]
bahu dhanuhīṃ tōrīṃ larikāīṃ. kabahu na asi risa kīnhi gōsāīṃ..
ēhi dhanu para mamatā kēhi hētū. suni risāi kaha bhṛgukulakētū.. [1-270-4]

“My lord, it must be some one of your servants who has broken the bow of Śiva. What is your command? Why not tell me?” At this the furious sage was all the more incensed, and said, “A servant is he who does service; having played the role of an enemy, one should give battle, Listen. O Rāma; whoever has broken Śiva bow is my enemy no less than the thousand-armed Kārtavīrya. Let him stand apart, leaving this assembly; or else everyone of these kings shall be slain.” Hearing the sage’s words Lakṣmaṇa smiled and said insulting Paraśurāma (the wielder of an axe), “I have broken many a small bow in my childhood; but you never grew so angry, my lord. Why should you be so fond of this particular bow?” At this the Chief of Bhṛgu’s race burst out in a fury:-


rē nṛpa bālaka kālabasa bōlata tōhi na saommāra..
dhanuhī sama tipurāri dhanu bidita sakala saṃsāra..271.. [1-270]

O young prince, being in the grip of death you have no control over your speech. Would you compare to a small bow the mighty bow of Śiva, that is known throughout the world?”


lakhana kahā haomsi hamarēṃ jānā. sunahu dēva saba dhanuṣa samānā..
kā chati lābhu jūna dhanu taurēṃ. dēkhā rāma nayana kē bhōrēṃ.. [1-270-1]
chuata ṭūṭa raghupatihu na dōsū. muni binu kāja karia kata rōsū .
bōlē citai parasu kī ōrā. rē saṭha sunēhi subhāu na mōrā.. [1-270-2]
bālaku bōli badhau nahiṃ tōhī. kēvala muni jaḍa jānahi mōhī..
bāla brahmacārī ati kōhī. bisva bidita chatriyakula drōhī.. [1-270-3]
bhujabala bhūmi bhūpa binu kīnhī. bipula bāra mahidēvanha dīnhī..
sahasabāhu bhuja chēdanihārā. parasu bilōku mahīpakumārā.. [1-270-4]

Said Lakṣmaṇa with a smile, “Listen, holy Sir: to my mind all bows are alike. What gain or loss can there be in the breaking of a worn-out bow ?” Śrī Rāma mistook it for a new one, and at His very touch it broke in two; the Lord of Raghus, therefore, was not to blame for it either. Why, then, be angry, reverend sir, for no cause?” Casting a glance at his axe, Paraśurāma replied, “O foolish child, have you never heard of my temper ? I slay you not because, as I say, you are a child yet; do you take me for a mere anchorite, O dullard? I have been a celibate from my very boyhood, but also an irascible one; and I am known throughout the world as a sworn enemy of the Kṣatriya race. By the might of my arm I made the earth kingless and bestowed it time after time upon the Brāhmaṇas. Look at this axe, which lopped off the arms of Sahasrabāhu (the thousandarmed Kārtavīrya), O youthful prince.


mātu pitahi jani sōcabasa karasi mahīsakisōra.
garbhanha kē arbhaka dalana parasu mōra ati ghōra..272.. [1-272]

Do not bring woe to your parents, O princely lad, My most cruel axe has exterminated even unborn offspring in the womb.


bihasi lakhanu bōlē mṛdu bānī. ahō munīsu mahā bhaṭamānī..
puni puni mōhi dēkhāva kuṭhārū. cahata uḍaāvana phūomki pahārū.. [1-272-1]
ihāom kumhaḍabatiyā kōu nāhīṃ. jē tarajanī dēkhi mari jāhīṃ..
dēkhi kuṭhāru sarāsana bānā. maiṃ kachu kahā sahita abhimānā.. [1-272-2]
bhṛgusuta samujhi janēu bilōkī. jō kachu kahahu sahau risa rōkī..
sura mahisura harijana aru gāī. hamarēṃ kula inha para na surāī.. [1-272-3]
badhēṃ pāpu apakīrati hārēṃ. māratahūom pā paria tumhārēṃ..
kōṭi kulisa sama bacanu tumhārā. byartha dharahu dhanu bāna kuṭhārā.. [1-272-4]

Lakṣmaṇa smilingly retorted in a mild tone, “Ah, the great sage considers himself an extraordinary warrior! He flaunts his axe before me again and again, as if he would blow away a mountain with a mere puff of breath. Here there is no pumpkin in the bud that would wither away as soon as an index finger is raised against it. It was only when I saw you armed with an axe and a bow and arrows that I spoke with some pride. Now that I understand you are a descendant of Bhṛgu and perceive a sacred thread on your person, I suppress my anger and put up with whatever you say. In our family valour is never shown against gods, the Brāhmaṇas, devotees of Śrī Hari and the cow; for by killing any of these we incur sin while a defeat at their hands will bring disrepute on us. We should throw ourselves at your feet even if you strike us. Every word of yours is as incisive as millions of thunderbolts; the bow and arrows and the axe are, therefore, an unnecessary burden to you.


jō bilōki anucita kahēu chamahu mahāmuni dhīra.
suni sarōṣa bhṛgubaṃsamani bōlē girā gabhīra..273.. [1-273]

“Pardon me, O great and illumined hermit, if I have said anything unseemly at the sight of your weapons.” Hearing this, the jewel of Bhṛgu’s race furiously rejoined in a deep voice:


kausika sunahu maṃda yahu bālaku. kuṭila kālabasa nija kula ghālaku..
bhānu baṃsa rākēsa kalaṃkū. nipaṭa niraṃkusa abudha asaṃkū.. [1-273-1]
kāla kavalu hōihi chana māhīṃ. kahau pukāri khōri mōhi nāhīṃ..
tumha haṭakau jauṃ cahahu ubārā. kahi pratāpu balu rōṣu hamārā.. [1-273-2]
lakhana kahēu muni sujasa tumhārā. tumhahi achata kō baranai pārā..
apanē muha tumha āpani karanī. bāra anēka bhāomti bahu baranī.. [1-273-3]
nahiṃ saṃtōṣu ta puni kachu kahahū. jani risa rōki dusaha dukha sahahū..
bīrabratī tumha dhīra achōbhā. gārī dēta na pāvahu sōbhā.. [1-273-4]

“Listen, O Viśvāmitra: this boy is stupid and perverse. He is in the grip of death himself and will bring destruction on his whole family. A dark spot on the moon-like solar race, he is utterly unruly, senseless and reckless. The very next moment he shall find himself in the jaws of death; I proclaim it at the top of my voice and none should blame me for it. Forbid him if you would save him, telling him of my glory, might and fury.” Said Lakṣmaṇa, “Holy sir, so long as you live who else can expatiate on your bright glory ? With your own lips you have recounted your exploits in diverse ways more than once. If you are not yet satisfied, tell us something more; do not undergo a severe trial by putting any restraint upon your anger. You have assumed the role of a hero and are resolute and imperturbable; it is unbecoming of you to pour abuses.


sūra samara karanī karahiṃ kahi na janāvahiṃ āpu.
bidyamāna rana pāi ripu kāyara kathahiṃ pratāpu..274.. [1-274]

Heroes perform valiant deeds in fight, but never indulge in self-advertisement. Finding before them a foe in battle, it is cowards who boast of their own glory.


tumha tau kālu hāomka janu lāvā. bāra bāra mōhi lāgi bōlāvā..
sunata lakhana kē bacana kaṭhōrā. parasu sudhāri dharēu kara ghōrā.. [1-274-1]
aba jani dēi dōsu mōhi lōgū. kaṭubādī bālaku badhajōgū..
bāla bilōki bahuta maiṃ bāomcā. aba yahu maranihāra bhā sāomcā.. [1-274-2]
kausika kahā chamia aparādhū. bāla dōṣa guna ganahiṃ na sādhū..
khara kuṭhāra maiṃ akaruna kōhī. āgēṃ aparādhī gurudrōhī.. [1-274-3]
utara dēta chōḍau binu mārēṃ. kēvala kausika sīla tumhārēṃ..
na ta ēhi kāṭi kuṭhāra kaṭhōrēṃ. gurahi urina hōtēu śrama thōrēṃ.. [1-274-4]

You seem to have Death at your beck and call and summon him again and again for my sake!” Hearing Lakṣmaṇa’s harsh words Paraśurāma closed his hand upon his terrible axe. “After this let no one blame me; this sharp-tongued boy deserves his death. I have spared him long on account of his being a child; he is now surely going to die.” Said Viśvāmitra, “Pardon his offence; holy men take no notice of the merits and demerits of a child.” “Sharp-edged is my axe, while I am pitiless and furious; and here stands before me an offender and an enemy of my Guru. Even though he gives a retort, I spare his life solely out of regard for you, O Viśvāmitra. Or else, hacking him to pieces with this cruel axe, I would have easily repaid the debt I have owed to my Guru.”


gādhisūnu kaha hṛdayaom haomsi munihi hariarai sūjha.
ayamaya khāomḍa na ūkhamaya ajahu na būjha abūjha..275.. [1-275]

Said Gādhi’s son (Viśvāmitra) smiling within himself,”Everything looks green to the sage (Paraśurāma); it is, however, the steel sword that he is faced with and not with sugar extracted from a sugar-cane (that one could easily gulp). It is a pity that he does not understand and still persists in his ignorance.*

  • * This has reference to a popular saying “A man who loses his eyesight in the month of Śrāvaṇa (corresponding roughly to August), when the whole landscape is green, visualizes everything as green.” Viśvāmitra thereby suggests that Paraśurāma was blind so far as the greatness of Śrī Rāma is concerned and imagined that the latter was as easy to handle as the other Kṣatriyas whom he could easily vanquish in battle. Again there is a pun on the word ‘Khā° ḍa’ in the original, which means both a sword and sugar.


kahēu lakhana muni sīlu tumhārā. kō nahi jāna bidita saṃsārā..
mātā pitahi urina bhaē nīkēṃ. gura rinu rahā sōcu baḍa jīkēṃ.. [1-275-1]
sō janu hamarēhi māthē kāḍhaā. dina cali gaē byāja baḍa bāḍhaā..
aba ānia byavahariā bōlī. turata dēu maiṃ thailī khōlī.. [1-275-2]
suni kaṭu bacana kuṭhāra sudhārā. hāya hāya saba sabhā pukārā..
bhṛgubara parasu dēkhāvahu mōhī. bipra bicāri bacau nṛpadrōhī.. [1-275-3]
milē na kabahu subhaṭa rana gāḍhaē. dvija dēvatā gharahi kē bāḍhaē..
anucita kahi saba lōga pukārē. raghupati sayanahiṃ lakhanu nēvārē.. [1-275-4]

Said Lakṣmaṇa, “Is there anyone, O good sage, who is not aware of your gentle disposition, so well known throughout the world? You have fully paid the debt you owed to your parents;* the only debt which now remains to be paid by you is the one you owe to your Guru, and that has been vexing your mind not a little. It looks as if you had incurred the debt on our account; and since a considerable time has now elapsed a heavy interest has accumulated thereon. Now you get the creditor here and I will at once rapay him from my own purse.” Hearing these sarcastic remarks Paraśurāma grasped his axe and the whole assembly cried “Alack ! Alack !!” ” O chief of Bhṛgus, you are still threatening me with your axe; but I am sparing you only because I hold you to be a Brāhmaṇa, O enemy of princes. You have never met champions staunch in fight; You have grown important in your own little home, O holy Brāhmaṇa.” Everyone exclaimed, “This is wholly undesirable!” The Lord of Raghus now becked Lakṣmaṇa to stop.

  • * There is a sarcastic allusion here to two notable incidents in Paraśurāma’s life. We are told in the Purāṇas how Paraśurāma killed his own mother at the bidding of his father Jamadagni, who had got incensed at her returning from a river rather late. Pleased with his obedience Jamadagni insisted on his asking for a boon. At this Paraśurāma prayed for the restoration of his mother’s life and his prayer was immediately granted. His mother was brought to life again and did not even remember the cruel act of her son. On another occasion, Paraśurāma’s father Jamadagni was slain by the followers of king Sahasrabāhu in order to avenge themselves of their leader’s death at Paraśurāma’s hands and the latter retaliated by extirpating not only the descendants of Sahasrārjuna but the whole Kṣatriya race gradually.


lakhana utara āhuti sarisa bhṛgubara kōpu kṛsānu.
baḍhata dēkhi jala sama bacana bōlē raghukulabhānu..276.. [1-276]

Perceiving the flames of Paraśurāma’s passion grow with the pouring of oblation in the form of Lakṣmaṇa’s rejoinder, the Sun of Raghu’s race spoke words like water.


nātha karahu bālaka para chōhū. sūdha dūdhamukha karia na kōhū..
jauṃ pai prabhu prabhāu kachu jānā. tau ki barābari karata ayānā.. [1-276-1]
jauṃ larikā kachu acagari karahīṃ. gura pitu mātu mōda mana bharahīṃ..
karia kṛpā sisu sēvaka jānī. tumha sama sīla dhīra muni gyānī.. [1-276-2]
rāma bacana suni kachuka juḍaānē. kahi kachu lakhanu bahuri musakānē..
haomsata dēkhi nakha sikha risa byāpī. rāma tōra bhrātā baḍa pāpī.. [1-276-3]
gaura sarīra syāma mana māhīṃ. kālakūṭamukha payamukha nāhīṃ..
sahaja ṭēḍha anuharai na tōhī. nīcu mīcu sama dēkha na mauhīṃ.. [1-276-4]

“My Lord, have compassion on a child; and wreak not your wrath on this guileless youngster (lit., who has the mother’s milk still on its lips). If he had any idea of your might, how could he be so foolish as to affront you? If children play some pranks, their teacher and parents are in raptures at it; therefore, take pity on him, knowing him to be a child and your servant. For you are an even-minded, good-tempered, forbearing and illumined anchorite.” On hearing Śrī Rāma’s words Paraśurāma cooled down a little; but uttering something Lakṣmaṇa smiled again. Seeing him smile, Paraśurāma flushed all over with sage and said,” Rāma, your brother is too wicked. Though fair of hue, he is black at heart; he has deadly poison, and not the mother’s milk on his lips. Perverse by nature, he does not take after you, nor does this vile imp regard me as the very image of Death.”


lakhana kahēu haomsi sunahu muni krōdhu pāpa kara mūla.
jēhi basa jana anucita karahiṃ carahiṃ bisva pratikūla..277.. [1-277]

Lakṣmaṇa smilingly said, “Listen, holy sir: passion is the root of sin. Swayed by it men perpetrate unseemly acts and indulge in misanthropic activities.”


maiṃ tumhāra anucara munirāyā. parihari kōpu karia aba dāyā..
ṭūṭa cāpa nahiṃ jurahi risānē. baiṭhia hōihiṃ pāya pirānē.. [1-277-1]
jau ati priya tau karia upāī. jōria kōu baḍa gunī bōlāī..
bōlata lakhanahiṃ janaku ḍērāhīṃ. maṣṭa karahu anucita bhala nāhīṃ.. [1-277-2]
thara thara kāpahiṃ pura nara nārī. chōṭa kumāra khōṭa baḍa bhārī..
bhṛgupati suni suni nirabhaya bānī. risa tana jarai hōi bala hānī.. [1-277-3]
bōlē rāmahi dēi nihōrā. bacau bicāri baṃdhu laghu tōrā..
manu malīna tanu suṃdara kaisēṃ. biṣa rasa bharā kanaka ghaṭu jaisaiṃ.. [1-277-4]

I am your servant, O Chief of sages; put away your wrath and show mercy upon me. Anger will not mend the broken bow. Pray sit down; your legs must be aching. If you are very fond of it, let us devise some means to mend it by calling in some expert.” Janaka was frightened at Lakṣmaṇa’s words and said, “Pray be quiet; it is not good to transgress the limits of propriety.” The people of the city trembled like aspen leaves; they said to themselves.” The younger prince is really very naughty.” As the chief of Bhṛgus heard the fearless words of Lakṣmaṇa, his whole body burnt with rage and his strength diminished. In a condescending manner he said to Rāma,”I am sparing the boy because I know he is your younger brother. So fair without and foul within, he resembles a jar of gold full of poison.”


suni lachimana bihasē bahuri nayana tarērē rāma.
gura samīpa gavanē sakuci parihari bānī bāma..278.. [1-278]

At this Lakṣmaṇa laughed again, but Śrī Rāma cast an angry look on him. Therefore, putting away all petulance of speech he submissively went up to his Guru.


ati binīta mṛdu sītala bānī. bōlē rāmu jōri juga pānī..
sunahu nātha tumha sahaja sujānā. bālaka bacanu karia nahiṃ kānā.. [1-278-1]
bararai bālaka ēku subhāū. inhahi na saṃta bidūṣahiṃ kāū..
tēhiṃ nāhīṃ kachu kāja bigārā. aparādhī mēṃ nātha tumhārā.. [1-278-2]
kṛpā kōpu badhu baomdhaba gōsāīṃ. mō para karia dāsa kī nāī..
kahia bēgi jēhi bidhi risa jāī. munināyaka sōi karauṃ upāī.. [1-278-3]
kaha muni rāma jāi risa kaisēṃ. ajahu anuja tava citava anaisēṃ..
ēhi kē kaṃṭha kuṭhāru na dīnhā. tau maiṃ kāha kōpu kari kīnhā.. [1-278-4]

Joining both His palms together and speaking in most humble, gentle and placid tones Śrī Rāma said, “I pray you, my lord: wise as you are by nature, pay no heed to the words of a child. A wasp and a child have alike disposition; saints never find fault with them. Besides, the boy has done you no harm; it is I, my lord, who have offended you. Therefore, your reverence, deal to me as your servant whatever you please, whether it be a favour or frown, death or captivity. Tell me quickly the means, O chief of sages, by which your anger may be appeased; I shall do accordingly.” Said the sage, “How can my passion be pacified, O Rāma, when your younger brother is still looking mischievously at me. So long as I do not cut his throat with my axe, my wrath is ineffectual.”


garbha stravahiṃ avanipa ravani suni kuṭhāra gati ghōra.
parasu achata dēkhau jiata bairī bhūpakisōra..279.. [1-279]

“At the very news of the cruel doings of my axe the consorts of kings miscarry. To think that having the same axe still at my service I should see this princeling, my enemy, alive !”


bahai na hāthu dahai risa chātī. bhā kuṭhāru kuṃṭhita nṛpaghātī..
bhayau bāma bidhi phirēu subhāū. mōrē hṛdayaom kṛpā kasi kāū.. [1-279-1]
āju dayā dukhu dusaha sahāvā. suni saumitra bihasi siru nāvā..
bāu kṛpā mūrati anukūlā. bōlata bacana jharata janu phūlā.. [1-279-2]
jauṃ pai kṛpāom jarihiṃ muni gātā. krōdha bhaēom tanu rākha bidhātā..
dēkhu janaka haṭhi bālaka ēhū. kīnha cahata jaḍa jamapura gēhū.. [1-279-3]
bēgi karahu kina āomkhinha ōṭā. dēkhata chōṭa khōṭa nṛpa ḍhōṭā..
bihasē lakhanu kahā mana māhīṃ. mūdēṃ āomkhi katahu kōu nāhīṃ.. [1-279-4]

“My hand moves not, though passion consumes my breast; while this axe, which has slain kings without number, has gone blunt. Fate has turned against me; that is why I find my nature changed. Otherwise compassion at any time is unknown to my heart. My tenderness of feeling has imposed on me a severe strain today.” On hearing this the son of Sumitrā bowed his head with a smile. “The breeze of your benevolence is so befitting your frame; the words you speak appear as though blossoms drop from a tree. O reverend sir, when compassion sets your whole frame on fire, God help you when you are angry.” “Look here, Janaka, this stupid boy in his perversity intends to migrate to the region of Death. Why not put him out of my sight ? Though small to look at, the princeling is yet so wicked !” Lakṣmaṇa smilingly said to himself, “Shut your eyes and the whole world will vanish out of your sight.”


parasurāmu taba rāma prati bōlē ura ati krōdhu.
saṃbhu sarāsanu tōri saṭha karasi hamāra prabōdhu..280.. [1-280]

Then Paraśurāma spoke to Rāma, his heart boiling with rage, “Having broken Śambhu’s bow, O wretch, do you now teach me?”


baṃdhu kahai kaṭu saṃmata tōrēṃ. tū chala binaya karasi kara jōrēṃ..
karu paritōṣu mōra saṃgrāmā. nāhiṃ ta chāḍa kahāuba rāmā.. [1-280-1]
chalu taji karahi samaru sivadrōhī. baṃdhu sahita na ta mārau tōhī..
bhṛgupati bakahiṃ kuṭhāra uṭhāēom. mana musakāhiṃ rāmu sira nāēom.. [1-280-2]
gunaha lakhana kara hama para rōṣū. katahu sudhāihu tē baḍa dōṣū..
ṭēḍha jāni saba baṃdai kāhū. bakra caṃdramahi grasai na rāhū.. [1-280-3]
rāma kahēu risa tajia munīsā. kara kuṭhāru āgēṃ yaha sīsā..
jēṃhiṃ risa jāi karia sōi svāmī. mōhi jāni āpana anugāmī.. [1-280-4]

It is with your connivance that your brother addresses such pungent words to me; while you make false entreaties with joined palms. Either give me satisfaction in combat, or forswear your name of ‘Rāma’. Give battle to me. O enemy of Śiva, without taking recourse to any wily trick; or else I will despatch you and your brother both.” While the chief of Bhṛgus thus raved with his axe raised on high, Śrī Rāma smiled within Himself, bowing His head to the sage, “While the fault is Lakṣmaṇa’s, the sage’s wrath is against me. Sometimes meekness too begets much evil. A crooked man is reverenced by all; the crescent moon is not devoured by the demon Rāhu.” Said Rāma, “Cease from wrath, O lord of sages; the axe is in your hand, while my head is before you. Do that, my lord, which may pacify your anger; know me to be your servant.”


prabhuhi sēvakahi samaru kasa tajahu biprabara rōsu.
bēṣu bilōkēṃ kahēsi kachu bālakahū nahiṃ dōsu..281.. [1-281]

How can there be any duel between a master and his servant? Give up your anger, O great Brāhmaṇa; it is only because he saw you in the garb of a warrior that the boy said something to you and he cannot be blamed for it.”


dēkhi kuṭhāra bāna dhanu dhārī. bhai larikahi risa bīru bicārī..
nāmu jāna pai tumhahi na cīnhā. baṃsa subhāyaom utaru tēṃhiṃ dīnhā.. [1-281-1]
jauṃ tumha autēhu muni kī nāīṃ. pada raja sira sisu dharata gōsāīṃ..
chamahu cūka anajānata kērī. cahia bipra ura kṛpā ghanērī.. [1-281-2]
hamahi tumhahi saribari kasi nāthā..kahahu na kahāom carana kahaom māthā..
rāma mātra laghu nāma hamārā. parasu sahita baḍa nāma tōhārā.. [1-281-3]
dēva ēku gunu dhanuṣa hamārēṃ. nava guna parama punīta tumhārēṃ..
saba prakāra hama tumha sana hārē. chamahu bipra aparādha hamārē.. [1-281-4]

Seeing you equipped with an axe, arrows and bow, the boy took you for a champion and got excited. Although he knew you by name, he did not recognize you in person and answered you according to his lineage. If you had come as a sage, the child, O holy sir, would have placed the dust of your feet on his head. Forgive the error of one who did not know you; a Brāhmaṇa should have plenty of mercy in his heart. What comparison, my lord, can there be between you and me? Tell me if there is any affinity between the head and feet. Mine is a small name consisting of the single word ‘Rāma’; where as yours is a long one, having the word ‘Paraśu’ prefined to ‘Rāma’. O lord, whereas there is only one merit in me and that is my bow while you have got nine most auspicious characteristics such as; tranquillity, restraint, penance, purity, forbearance, straight forwardness, knowledge, supreme knowledge and faith in God. I am thus inferior to you in everyway; therefore, O holy sir, forgive my faults.”


bāra bāra muni biprabara kahā rāma sana rāma.
bōlē bhṛgupati saruṣa hasi tahūom baṃdhu sama bāma..282.. [1-282]

Again and again did Rāma address His namesake as a sage and as a great Brāhmaṇa, till the chief of Bhṛgus exclaimed in his fury, “You are as perverse as your younger brother!”


nipaṭahiṃ dvija kari jānahi mōhī. maiṃ jasa bipra sunāvau tōhī..
cāpa struvā sara āhuti jānū. kōpa mōra ati ghōra kṛsānu.. [1-282-1]
samidhi sēna caturaṃga suhāī. mahā mahīpa bhaē pasu āī..
mai ēhi parasu kāṭi bali dīnhē. samara jagya japa kōṭinha kīnhē.. [1-282-2]
mōra prabhāu bidita nahiṃ tōrēṃ. bōlasi nidari bipra kē bhōrēṃ..
bhaṃjēu cāpu dāpu baḍa bāḍhaā. ahamiti manahu jīti jagu ṭhāḍhaā.. [1-282-3]
rāma kahā muni kahahu bicārī. risa ati baḍai laghu cūka hamārī..
chuatahiṃ ṭūṭa pināka purānā. maiṃ kahi hētu karauṃ abhimānā.. [1-282-4]

You know me to be a mere Brāhmaṇa; I tell you what kind of a Brāhmaṇa I am. Know that the bow is my sacrificial ladle, the arrows my oblation and my wrath, the blazing fire; the brilliant fourfold forces (consisting of the horse, the elephant, the chariots and footsoldiers) are the fuel; and mighty princes have served as victims, whom I have cut to pieces with this very axe and offered as sacrifice. In this way I have performed millions of sacrifices in the shape of armed conflicts, accompanied by the muttering of sacred formulas in the shape of war-cries. My glory is not known to you; that is why you address me in contemptuous terms mistaking me for a mere Brāhmaṇa. Since you have broken the bow, your arrogance has transgressed all limits; in your self-esteem you stand as if you have conquered the whole world.” Said Rāma, “O sage, think before you speak; your anger is out of all proportions with my error, which is a trifling one. Worn out as it was, the bow broke at my mere touch. What reason have I to be proud?”


jauṃ hama nidarahiṃ bipra badi satya sunahu bhṛgunātha.
tau asa kō jaga subhaṭu jēhi bhaya basa nāvahiṃ mātha..283.. [1-283]

“Hear the truth, O lord of the Bhṛgus; if, as you say, I treat you with disrespect because you are a Brāhmaṇa, who is that gallant warrior in this world to whom I would bow my head out of fear?”


dēva danuja bhūpati bhaṭa nānā. samabala adhika hōu balavānā..
jauṃ rana hamahi pacārai kōū. larahiṃ sukhēna kālu kina hōū.. [1-283-1]
chatriya tanu dhari samara sakānā. kula kalaṃku tēhiṃ pāvaomra ānā..
kahau subhāu na kulahi prasaṃsī. kālahu ḍarahiṃ na rana raghubaṃsī.. [1-283-2]
biprabaṃsa kai asi prabhutāī. abhaya hōi jō tumhahi ḍērāī..
sunu mṛdu gūḍha bacana raghupati kē. ugharē paṭala parasudhara mati kē.. [1-283-3]
rāma ramāpati kara dhanu lēhū. khaiṃcahu miṭai mōra saṃdēhū..
dēta cāpu āpuhiṃ cali gayaū. parasurāma mana bisamaya bhayaū.. [1-283-4]

A god, a demon, a king or a body of warriors, whether My equal in strength or more powerful than myself-should any of these challenge me to combat, I would gladly fight with him, no matter if it is Death himself. For he who is born as a Kṣatriya, and is yet afraid of fighting, is a veritable wretch and has brought a slur on his lineage. I tell you in my natural way and not by way of a tribute to my race: Raghu’s descendants do not tremble to meet in fight even Death. Such is the glory of the Brāhmaṇa race that he who is afraid of you (Brāhmaṇas) is rid of all fear.” When he heard these soft yet profound words of Śrī Rāma, Paraśurāma’s mind was disillusioned. “O Rāma, take this bow of Rāma’s lord and draw it, so that my doubts may be cleared.”* As Paraśurāma offered his bow it passed into Rāma’s hands of its own accord, and Paraśurāma felt amazed at this.

  • * Paraśurāma had got this bow from God Viṣṇu Himself, who had told that when the Lord descended on the earth in the form of Śrī Rāma, his own life’s work would have ended and the bow would pass into the hands of Śrī Rāma.


jānā rāma prabhāu taba pulaka praphullita gāta.
jōri pāni bōlē bacana hdayaom na prēmu amāta..284.. [1-284]

He then recognized Śrī Rāma’s might and his whole frame was thrilled with joy and his hair stood on end. Joining his palms together he addressed the following words to Śrī Rāma, his heart bursting with emotion:-


jaya raghubaṃsa banaja bana bhānū. gahana danuja kula dahana kṛsānu..
jaya sura bipra dhēnu hitakārī. jaya mada mōha kōha bhrama hārī.. [1-284-1]
binaya sīla karunā guna sāgara. jayati bacana racanā ati nāgara..
sēvaka sukhada subhaga saba aṃgā. jaya sarīra chabi kōṭi anaṃgā.. [1-284-2]
karauṃ kāha mukha ēka prasaṃsā. jaya mahēsa mana mānasa haṃsā..
anucita bahuta kahēu agyātā. chamahu chamāmaṃdira dōu bhrātā.. [1-284-3]
kahi jaya jaya jaya raghukulakētū. bhṛgupati gaē banahi tapa hētū..
apabhayaom kuṭila mahīpa ḍērānē. jahaom tahaom kāyara gavaomhiṃ parānē.. [1-284-4]

Glory to Śrī Rāma, who delights Raghu’s line even as the sun delights a cluster of lotuses ! Glory to the Fire that consumes the forest of the demon race ! Glory to the Benefactor of gods, Brāhmaṇas and cows ! Glory to Him who takes away pride, ignorance, passion and delusion ! Glory to Him who is an ocean of humility, amiability, compassion and goodness and a pastmaster in the art of speech. Glory to the Delighter of His servants and to Him who is graceful of every limb and whose form possesses the beauty of millions of Cupids ! How can I with one tongue utter Your praises? Glory to Him who sports in the mind of the great Lord Śiva as a swan in the Mānasarovara lake ! In my ignorance I have said much that was unseemly; therefore pardon me, both brothers, abodes of forgiveness that You are. Glory, glory, all glory to the Chief of Raghu’s race !” So saying, the lord of Bhṛgus withdrew to the forest to practise penance. The wicked kings were all seized with imaginary fears and the cowards quietly fled in all directions.


dēvanha dīnhīṃ duṃdubhīṃ prabhu para baraṣahiṃ phūla.
haraṣē pura nara nāri saba miṭī mōhamaya sūla..285.. [1-285]

The gods sounded their kettledrums and rained down flowers on the Lord. All the people of the city rejoiced and their heart’s agony, born of ignorance, disappeared.


ati gahagahē bājanē bājē. sabahiṃ manōhara maṃgala sājē..
jūtha jūtha mili sumukha sunayanīṃ. karahiṃ gāna kala kōkilabayanī.. [1-285-1]
sukhu bidēha kara barani na jāī. janmadaridra manahu nidhi pāī..
gata trāsa bhai sīya sukhārī. janu bidhu udayaom cakōrakumārī.. [1-285-2]
janaka kīnha kausikahi pranāmā. prabhu prasāda dhanu bhaṃjēu rāmā..
mōhi kṛtakṛtya kīnha duhu bhāīṃ. aba jō ucita sō kahia gōsāī.. [1-285-3]
kaha muni sunu naranātha prabīnā. rahā bibāhu cāpa ādhīnā..
ṭūṭatahīṃ dhanu bhayau bibāhū. sura nara nāga bidita saba kāhu.. [1-285-4]

There was a tumultuous clash of musical instruments and everyone displayed charming and auspicious objects. Troops of fair-faced, bright-eyed damsels sang melodious songs in chorus, their voice resembling the notes of the cuckoo. Janaka’s joy was beyond description, as that of a born beggar who has found a treasure. Sītā was rid of Her fears and was as glad as a young of a Cakora bird at the rising of the moon. Janaka made obeisance before Kauśika and said, ‘’It is due to your grace, my lord, that Śrī Rāma has been able to break the bow. The two brothers have gained me my purpose; pray tell me now, reverend sir, what it behoves me to do.” Said the sage, ‘’Listen, wise king: the marriage depended on the bow, and took place directly the bow broke, as is well-known to all, including gods, human beings and Nāgas.”