The birth of Rāvaṇa and his brothers, their austerities, opulence and tyranny
bharadvāja sunu jāhi jaba hōi bidhātā bāma.
dhūri mērusama janaka jama tāhi byālasama dāma…175.. [1-175]
Listen, O Bharadvāja: whosoever incurs the displeasure of heaven, for him a grain of dust becomes vast as Mount Meru, a father becomes frightful as Yama (the god of death) and every rope a snake.
kāla pāi muni sunu sōi rājā. bhayau nisācara sahita samājā..
dasa sira tāhi bīsa bhujadaṃḍā. rāvana nāma bīra baribaṃḍā.. [1-175-1]
bhūpa anuja arimardana nāmā. bhayau sō kuṃbhakarana baladhāmā..
saciva jō rahā dharamaruci jāsū. bhayau bimātra baṃdhu laghu tāsū.. [1-175-2]
nāma bibhīṣana jēhi jaga jānā. biṣnubhagata bigyāna nidhānā..
rahē jē suta sēvaka nṛpa kērē. bhaē nisācara ghōra ghanērē.. [1-175-3]
kāmarūpa khala jinasa anēkā. kuṭila bhayaṃkara bigata bibēkā..
kṛpā rahita hiṃsaka saba pāpī. barani na jāhiṃ bisva paritāpī.. [1-175-4]
O sage, in due time, I tell you, this king, with his family, was born as a demon. He had ten heads and twenty arms. His name was Rāvaṇa; he was a formidable hero. The king’s younger brother, Arimardana by name, became the powerful Kumbhakarṇa. His minister, who was known as Dharmaruci, became Rāvaṇa’s younger half-brother, Vibhīṣaṇa by name, who is known to the whole world as a devotee of God Viṣṇu and a repository of wisdom. And the king’s sons and servants, they were born a fierce demon crew. These wretches could take any shape they liked and belonged to various orders. They were all wicked, monstrous and devoid of sense and were ruthless, bloody and sinful. They were a torment to all creation beyond what words can tell.
upajē jadapi pulastyakula pāvana amala anūpa.
tadapi mahīsura śrāpa basa bhaē sakala agharūpa..176.. [1-176]
Even though they were born in the incomparably pure and holy line of the sage Pulastya, yet, on account of the Brāhmaṇa’s curse, they were all embodiments of sin.
kīnha bibidha tapa tīnihu bhāī. parama ugra nahiṃ barani sō jāī..
gayau nikaṭa tapa dēkhi bidhātā. māgahu bara prasanna maiṃ tātā.. [1-176-1]
kari binatī pada gahi dasasīsā. bōlēu bacana sunahu jagadīsā..
hama kāhū kē marahiṃ na mārēṃ. bānara manuja jāti dui bārēṃ.. [1-176-2]
ēvamastu tumha baḍa tapa kīnhā. maiṃ brahmāom mili tēhi bara dīnhā..
puni prabhu kuṃbhakarana pahiṃ gayaū. tēhi bilōki mana bisamaya bhayaū.. [1-176-3]
jauṃ ēhiṃ khala nita karaba ahārū. hōihi saba ujāri saṃsārū..
sārada prēri tāsu mati phērī. māgēsi nīda māsa ṣaṭa kērī.. [1-176-4]
All the three brothers practised austerities of various kinds, terrible beyond all description. Seeing their penance the Creator drew nigh and said to the eldest of them, “Ask a boon, dear son.” The ten-headed Rāvaṇa suppliantly clasped his feet and addressed to him the following words. “Listen, O lord of the universe; my prayer is that I should die at the hands of none save monkeys and men.” “So be it; you have done great penance.” This was the boon Brahma and I granted to him (said Śiva). The Creator then approached Kumbhakarṇa and was astonished to see his gigantic form. Brahma said to himself, “Should this wretch have his daily repast, the whole world will be laid waste.” So Brahma directed Śāradā, who changed his mind. Accordingly the demon asked for continued sleep, extending over six months.
gaē bibhīṣana pāsa puni kahēu putra bara māgu.
tēhiṃ māgēu bhagavaṃta pada kamala amala anurāgu..177.. [1-177]
Last of all Brahma went up to Vibhīṣaṇa and said, “Ask a boon, my son.” He asked for pure love for the lotus feet of the Lord.
tinhi dēi bara brahma sidhāē. haraṣita tē apanē gṛha āē..
maya tanujā maṃdōdari nāmā. parama suṃdarī nāri lalāmā.. [1-177-1]
sōi mayaom dīnhi rāvanahi ānī. hōihi jātudhānapati jānī..
haraṣita bhayau nāri bhali pāī. puni dōu baṃdhu biāhēsi jāī.. [1-177-2]
giri trikūṭa ēka siṃdhu majhārī. bidhi nirmita durgama ati bhārī..
sōi maya dānavaom bahuri saomvārā. kanaka racita manibhavana apārā.. [1-177-3]
bhōgāvati jasi ahikula bāsā. amarāvati jasi sakranivāsā..
tinha tēṃ adhika ramya ati baṃkā. jaga bikhyāta nāma tēhi laṃkā.. [1-177-4]
Having granted them boons Brahmā went away, while they returned to their home rejoicing. The demon Māyā had a daughter, Mandodarī by name, who was exceedingly beautiful, a jewel of womankind. Māyā brought and made her over to Rāvaṇa, knowing that the latter was going to become the lord of the demons. Delighted at having obtained such a good wife, Rāvaṇa next went and married his two brothers. On a three-peaked mountain called Trikūṭa in the middle of the ocean there stood a very large fortress built by Brahma himself. The demon Māyā (who was a great architect) renovated it. It contained numberless palaces of gold and jewels, and was more beautiful and charming than Bhogāvatī (the capital of Pātāla, the nethermost region in the core of the globe), the city of the serpents, and Amarāvatī, the capital of Indra (the lord of paradise). It was known throughout the world by the name of Laṅkā.
khāīṃ siṃdhu gabhīra ati cārihu disi phiri āva.
kanaka kōṭa mani khacita dṛḍha barani na jāi banāva..178ka.. [1-178(A)]
hariprērita jēhiṃ kalapa jōi jātudhānapati hōi.
sūra pratāpī atulabala dala samēta basa sōi..178kha.. [1-178(B)]
The ocean surrounded it on all sides as a very deep moat. It had a strong fortification wall built of gold and jewels, the architectural beauty of which defied description. Whoever was preordained by Śrī Hari to be the chief of the demons in a particular cycle, that illustrious hero of incomparable might lived there with his army.
rahē tahāom nisicara bhaṭa bhārē. tē saba suranha samara saṃghārē..
aba tahaom rahahiṃ sakra kē prērē. racchaka kōṭi jacchapati kērē.. [1-178(B)-1]
dasamukha katahu khabari asi pāī. sēna sāji gaḍha ghērēsi jāī..
dēkhi bikaṭa bhaṭa baḍai kaṭakāī. jaccha jīva lai gaē parāī.. [1-178(B)-2]
phiri saba nagara dasānana dēkhā. gayau sōca sukha bhayau bisēṣā..
suṃdara sahaja agama anumānī. kīnhi tahāom rāvana rajadhānī.. [1-178(B)-3]
jēhi jasa jōga bāomṭi gṛha dīnhē. sukhī sakala rajanīcara kīnhē..
ēka bāra kubēra para dhāvā. puṣpaka jāna jīti lai āvā.. [1-178(B)-4]
Great demon warriors had been living there. They were all exterminated in battle by the gods. Now under Indra’s commission it was occupied by a garrison consisting of ten million guards of Kubera (the chief of the Yakṣas). Having obtained this news from some quarter Rāvaṇa marshalled his army and besieged the fortress. Seeing his vast force of fierce warriors, the Yakṣas fled for their lives. Thereupon Rāvaṇa surveyed the whole city; he was much pleased with what he saw and all his anxiety (about a suitable capital) was gone. Perceiving that the city was naturally beautiful and inaccessible for others, Rāvaṇa fixed his capital there. By assigning quarters to his followers according to their several deserts he made them all happy. On one occasion he led an expedition against Kubera and carried away his aerial car known by the name of Puṣpaka as a trophy.
kautukahīṃ kailāsa puni līnhēsi jāi uṭhāi.
manahu tauli nija bāhubala calā bahuta sukha pāi..179.. [1-179]
Again, in a sportive mood he went and lifted Mount Kailāsa and, thereby testing as it were the might of his arms, returned most jubilant.
sukha saṃpati suta sēna sahāī. jaya pratāpa bala buddhi baḍaāī..
nita nūtana saba bāḍhata jāī. jimi pratilābha lōbha adhikāī.. [1-179-1]
atibala kuṃbhakarana asa bhrātā. jēhi kahu nahiṃ pratibhaṭa jaga jātā..
karai pāna sōvai ṣaṭa māsā. jāgata hōi tihu pura trāsā.. [1-179-2]
jauṃ dina prati ahāra kara sōī. bisva bēgi saba caupaṭa hōī..
samara dhīra nahiṃ jāi bakhānā. tēhi sama amita bīra balavānā.. [1-179-3]
bāridanāda jēṭha suta tāsū. bhaṭa mahu prathama līka jaga jāsū..
jēhi na hōi rana sanamukha kōī. surapura nitahiṃ parāvana hōī.. [1-179-4]
His happiness and prosperity, the number of his sons, his army and his allies, his victories and glory, his might, wisdom and fame grew from more to more everyday even as avarice grows with each new gain. He had a stalwart brother like Kumbhakarṇa, a rival to whom was never born in this world. Drinking his fill he remained buried in sleep for six months; and at his waking the three worlds trembled. Were he to take his meals everyday, the whole universe would soon have been ruined. He was unspeakably staunch in fight and there were numberless brave warriors who could be compared with him. Rāvaṇa’s eldest son was Meghanāda, who ranked foremost among the champions of the world. Before him none could stand in battle. Due to him there was a stampede in the city of the immortals everyday.
kumukha akaṃpana kulisarada dhūmakētu atikāya.
ēka ēka jaga jīti saka aisē subhaṭa nikāya..180.. [1-180]
There were many more champions such as the hideous Kumukha, the intrepid Akampana, Kuliśarada with teeth like thunderbolts, the fiery Dhūmaketu and the gigantic Atikāya, each one of whom was able to subdue the whole world.
kāmarūpa jānahiṃ saba māyā. sapanēhu jinha kēṃ dharama na dāyā..
dasamukha baiṭha sabhāom ēka bārā. dēkhi amita āpana parivārā.. [1-180-1]
suta samūha jana parijana nātī. gē kō pāra nisācara jātī..
sēna bilōki sahaja abhimānī. bōlā bacana krōdha mada sānī.. [1-180-2]
sunahu sakala rajanīcara jūthā. hamarē bairī bibudha barūthā..
tē sanamukha nahiṃ karahī larāī. dēkhi sabala ripu jāhiṃ parāī.. [1-180-3]
tēnha kara marana ēka bidhi hōī. kahau bujhāi sunahu aba sōī..
dvijabhōjana makha hōma sarādhā..saba kai jāi karahu tumha bādhā.. [1-180-4]
Taking form at will, they were skilled in all forms of demoniac Māyā (deceit); they never thought of piety or compassion even in dream. One day the ten-headed Rāvaṇa was seated in court and reviewed his innumerable retainers, hosts of sons and grandsons, relatives and servants, troops of demons, more than anyone could count. On seeing the host the naturally proud Rāvaṇa spoke words full of wrath and arrogance: “Listen, all demon troops: the host of heaven are my enemies. They never dare to stand up in open fight, but flee away at the sight of a powerful adversary. There is only one way of causing their death, which I tell you in detail; now listen to it. Go and prevent the feasting of Brāhmaṇas, the performance of sacrifices, the pouring of oblations into the sacred fire, the ceremony of Śrāddha (offering food etc., to a departed soul) and all other religious functions.
chudhā chīna balahīna sura sahajēhiṃ milihahiṃ āi.
taba mārihau ki chāḍaihau bhalī bhāomti apanāi..181.. [1-181]
“Emaciated with starvation and rendered weak, the gods will automatically surrender to me. Then I will see whether I should kill them or let them go after subjecting them perfectly to my will.”
mēghanāda kahu puni haomkarāvā. dīnhī sikha balu bayaru baḍhaāvā..
jē sura samara dhīra balavānā. jinha kēṃ laribē kara abhimānā.. [1-181-1]
tinhahi jīti rana ānēsu bāomdhī. uṭhi suta pitu anusāsana kāomdhī..
ēhi bidhi sabahī agyā dīnhī. āpunu calēu gadā kara līnhī.. [1-181-2]
calata dasānana ḍōlati avanī. garjata garbha stravahiṃ sura ravanī..
rāvana āvata sunēu sakōhā. dēvanha takē mēru giri khōhā.. [1-181-3]
digapālanha kē lōka suhāē. sūnē sakala dasānana pāē..
puni puni siṃghanāda kari bhārī. dēi dēvatanha gāri pacārī.. [1-181-4]
rana mada matta phirai jaga dhāvā. pratibhaṭa khaujata katahu na pāvā..
rabi sasi pavana baruna dhanadhārī. agini kāla jama saba adhikārī.. [1-181-5]
kiṃnara siddha manuja sura nāgā. haṭhi sabahī kē paṃthahiṃ lāgā..
brahmasṛṣṭi jahaom lagi tanudhārī. dasamukha basabartī nara nārī.. [1-181-6]
āyasu karahiṃ sakala bhayabhītā. navahiṃ āi nita carana binītā.. [1-181-7]
Then Rāvaṇa sent for Meghanāda and admonished him, inciting him to greater strength and hostility.”The gods who are staunch in battle, powerful and proud of their fighting skill, you should conquer in battle and bring them in chains.” The son got up and bowed to the commands of his father. In this way Rāvaṇa ordered all and himself sallied forth, club in hand. Even as the ten-headed Rāvaṇa marched, the earth shook and at his thundering call the spouses of gods miscarried. Hearing of Rāvaṇa’s angry approach the gods themselves sought the caves of Mount Sumeru. When the ten-faced Rāvaṇa invaded the beautiful realms of the guardians of the ten quarters, he found them all desolate. Again and again he roared loudly like a lion and, challenging the gods to battle, scoffed at them. Mad with lust of blood he traversed the whole world in search of a combatant; but nowhere could he find anyone.The sun-god, the moon-god, the wind-god, the god of water, the gods of wealth and fire, the gods of time and death and all other gods entrusted with the governance of the world. Kiṁnaras, Siddhas, men, gods and Nāgas, all were wilfully harassed by him. All embodied beings in the creation of Brahma, whether men or women, submitted to Rāvaṇa’s will. All did his bidding out of fear and always bowed suppliantly at his feet.
bhujabala bisva basya kari rākhēsi kōu na sutaṃtra.
maṃḍalīka mani rāvana rāja karai nija maṃtra..182ka.. [1-182(A)]
dēva jaccha gaṃdharva nara kiṃnara nāga kumāri.
jīti barīṃ nija bāhubala bahu suṃdara bara nāri..182kha.. [1-182(B)]
By his mighty arm he subdued the whole universe and left no one independent. The king of kings, Rāvaṇa, ruled according to his own will. He won by the might of his arms and wedded daughters of gods, Yakṣas, Gandharvas, human beings, Kiṁnaras and Nāgas and many other beautiful and excellent dames.
iṃdrajīta sana jō kachu kahēū. sō saba janu pahilēhiṃ kari rahēū..
prathamahiṃ jinha kahu āyasu dīnhā. tinha kara carita sunahu jō kīnhā.. [1-182(B)-1]
dēkhata bhīmarūpa saba pāpī. nisicara nikara dēva paritāpī..
karahi upadrava asura nikāyā. nānā rūpa dharahiṃ kari māyā.. [1-182(B)-2]
jēhi bidhi hōi dharma nirmūlā. sō saba karahiṃ bēda pratikūlā..
jēhiṃ jēhiṃ dēsa dhēnu dvija pāvahiṃ. nagara gāu pura āgi lagāvahiṃ.. [1-182(B)-3]
subha ācarana katahu nahiṃ hōī. dēva bipra gurū māna na kōī..
nahiṃ haribhagati jagya tapa gyānā. sapanēhu sunia na bēda purānā.. [1-182(B)-4]
Whatever Rāvaṇa told Indrajit to do was done by him sooner as it were than the former uttered the command. Now hear what they did who had been ordered by him even earlier. The whole demon crew, sinful at heart and of terrible aspect, were the torment of heaven. Roaming at night, they did outrages of various kinds and assumed diverse forms through their delusive power. They acted in everyway contrary to Veda and did everything in their power to eradicate religion. Wherever they found a cow or a Brāhmaṇa they set fire to that city, town or village. Virtuous acts were nowhere to be seen. No one paid any respect to the gods, the Brāhmaṇas and the spiritual preceptor. There was no devotion to Śrī Hari, no sacrificial performances, no austerities and no spiritual wisdom. No one would ever dream of listening to the Vedas or the Purāṇas.
japa jōga birāgā tapa makha bhāgā śravana sunai dasasīsā.
āpunu uṭhi dhāvai rahai na pāvai dhari saba ghālai khīsā..
asa bhraṣṭa acārā bhā saṃsārā dharma sunia nahi kānā.
tēhi bahubidhi trāsai dēsa nikāsai jō kaha bēda purānā..
If ever any talk of Japa (muttering of sacred formulas), Yoga (subjugation of mind), dispassion, penance or of oblations to gods in a sacrifice entered Rāvaṇa’s ears he would at once be on his feet and run to stop them. He would allow nothing of these and would destroy everything he laid his hands upon. There was such corruption in the world that no talk of piety could be heard anywhere. Whoever recited the Vedas or the Purāṇas was intimidated in manifold ways and sent into exile
barani na jāi anīti ghōra nisācara jō karahiṃ.
hiṃsā para ati prīti tinha kē pāpahi kavani miti..183.. [1-182(B)-183]
The terrible outrages the demons did beggar description. There is no limit to the evil-doings of those who hold violence most dear to their heart.