अध्येष्यते च य इमं धर्म्यं संवादमावयो: ।
ज्ञानयज्ञेन तेनाहमिष्ट: स्यामिति मे मति: ॥ ७० ॥
adhyeṣyate ca ya imaṁ
dharmyaṁ saṁvādam āvayoḥ
jñāna-yajñena tenāham
iṣṭaḥ syām iti me matiḥ
adhyeṣyate — will study; ca — also; yaḥ — he who; imam — this; dharmyam — sacred; saṁvādam — conversation; āvayoḥ — of ours; jñāna — of knowledge; yajñena — by the sacrifice; tena — by him; aham — I; iṣṭaḥ — worshiped; syām — shall be; iti — thus; me — My; matiḥ — opinion.
And I declare that he who studies this sacred conversation of ours worships Me by his intelligence.